Sunday, September 28, 2008

Doing It Again?!

Yes, once again, I am engaging in the insanity of National Novel Writing Month... and I couldn't be more thrilled.

I'll be serving as the Municipal Liaison for the Louisiana-Elsewhere Region and you are cordially invited to join us as we pound out 50,000 words in the month of November. Words... No promise of plot, quality, or even subject-verb connections.

Check it out at and join us for a month to write a book -- just because...



Shauna Roberts said...

I may try NaNoWrMo in December. The month looks blessedly and unusually free of appointments and deadlines, whereas I've already got November heavily scheduled.

Unknown said...

It's really incredibly freeing to write quickly and badly... And it gets me back in the habit of putting words on paper every single day.

Whew ... I'm just taking a breath today. Finished my fourth book for ASTD Press this week and today will be a day to just stare at the television all day.

Later I may turn it on.